

Organized by:   Room Escape

Escape room
Jana i Jedrzeja Sniadeckich 1/15, 00-647 Warsaw

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Time 60 min
Difficulty -
Price PLN 200-300
Players 2-6


Each of us surely remembers that all-encompassing fear and thrill, while exploring hidden, dark places, old basements, attics and abandoned buildings. A sense of great adventure, entering an unknown, scary and forbidden world. In this escaperoom you will find a lot of strange objects that will stimulate your imagination and build an unusual story in your heads. The fears of yesteryear may return when the door of this puzzle room slams shut and you hear the cold jaw of the lock being turned....
Amateurs of escaperoom games with a slight thrill will find something for themselves here. Dark music, sound effects and an unusual set of tasks. Items that can only be found in the basement of an old house, which the owners have collected over the years. On the surface, they do not seem to fit together. Many of them, you will find in this very basement, although their glory years are gone. Each of them, however, may turn out to be another link in the search for the way out....
The mystery of an old house, ghosts of the past hiding terrible stories. Hidden rooms and walls that have probably seen more than one crime... Will you, too, become victims and the world will forget about you? But will you get out before hope is extinguished. You can only count on yourselves. Your cleverness, intelligence, intuition and the friends on your team.
Time is shrinking inexorably, and you have only 60 minutes to escape the room. You have to act fast and work together to get out of the trap! Don't let your first success deceive you, because you'll soon find out that our Cellar is a veritable bottomless pit, and the farther you go the darker and more mysterious it gets.


Age restrictions: 12+


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Room Escape

Jana i Jedrzeja Sniadeckich 1/15, 00-647 Warsaw

Telefon: +48 503 966 012
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English Polski