
Time Machine

Organized by:   Room Escape

Escape room
Inzynierska 1, 03-410 Warsaw

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Time 60 min
Difficulty -
Price PLN 200-300
Players 2-6


The Time Machine, is an extraordinary machine that will allow you and your team to travel through time and space. Enter where science intersects with history and reality overcomes the limits of imagination! The mysterious exit room transports you through time and space, connecting places and eras at first glance completely different... And yet they have something in common. Find out what it is and put together the ultimate puzzle!
The time elevator - a kind of port - will help you shuffle to places centuries apart. Sometimes you will have to separate and communicate with each other at a distance in order to jointly solve tasks that cross the space-time continuum. This is because in this room, the future, the past and the present blend together. In each place and time you will visit, we have prepared unusual tasks for you. 60 minutes is really very little time to solve them all, so you must act efficiently and quickly at once.
Wehiku³ Czasu exit room (Warsaw, Inżynierska) has the interior of a war bunker hidden somewhere in the desert sands will prove to be the beginning of a fascinating adventure for you. In this room of puzzles you will find it very useful: efficient communication in a group and perceptiveness and association of facts. From the crumbs of information, collected from the different eras you will traverse, you will have to assemble the final solution. However, will you beat the time?
This is not a simple exit room and requires players to form a really close-knit team. You will have to put all the pieces of the puzzles together to open the door and return to our time. You will find some of the information at the beginning of the game, others only at the end of the game. You have to be very careful and not lose anything along the way.
Time in the Vehicle flows inexorably, you have no power over it, but you can outsmart it. If you reconcile the facts well and learn to efficiently shuffle through space-time, you may be able to break out of the loops of time and solve the final task.


Age restrictions: 12+


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Room Escape

Inzynierska 1, 03-410 Warsaw

Telefon: +48 22 118 30 62
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