

Organized by:   Room Escape

Escape room
Marszalkowska 140, 00-061 Warsaw

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Time 60 min
Difficulty -
Price PLN 200-300
Players 2-6


Interactive is a room like no other. It is a new generation escape room. Its high-tech solutions and minimalist decor will transport players to the future. Its action takes place somewhere in a secret base in the universe, where candidates for intergalactic defenders of our galaxy's sovereignty undergo final tests. Starfleet guards the security of all humanity. It watches over order and security in our Galaxy. Now you too have a unique opportunity to join its ranks. If only you manage to beat this puzzle room - a kind of intergalactic test in just 60 minutes, you have a chance to join the elite troops. Once the door of the room closes behind you, there will be no turning back. You will be forced to look for a way out of the trap. The question is whether you will be able to get out of it in the time allotted for candidates. During this surprising exam, your aptitude will be deeply penetrated and examined from many angles. Individualism will not count, but teamwork and the ability to work together under time pressure. We will test your perceptiveness and ability to think logically and make creative associations. You should also sharpen absolutely all your senses, they will be useful in passing the room successfully. There will be, as it is in Room Escape Warsaw, dexterity tasks - we may be able to surprise and amuse you.
As the name suggests, Room Interactive requires interaction, both between the players themselves and with puzzles that will verify the competence of the recruits. During the game, it will certainly turn out who has the ability to logically combine facts, reflexes, good memory and is perceptive. No less important will be the ability to communicate with the other members of the group, think outside the box and work as a team. It is important that you act as a team! The purpose of this test is not to determine the best candidate, but to see how the team will perform. A single player, even the best, is not up to the responsible task of protecting our galaxy. It takes competent teams, able to work together efficiently and smoothly, so during the game the emphasis will be on verifying your abilities as a team. In order to pass the test, each player must commit and focus 100% so that individual abilities turn into collective success. Take up the challenge and see how you do in an escape room straight from the future!


Age restrictions: 12+


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Room Escape

Marszalkowska 140, 00-061 Warsaw

Telefon: +48 500 351 342
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