

Organized by:   Room Escape

Escape room
Marszalkowska 140, 00-061 Warsaw

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Time 60 min
Difficulty -
Price PLN 200-300
Players 2-6


The action of the escape room entitled Olympus is set in ancient Greece. The Olympic Games have just ended. All the gods of the Greek pantheon, together with the heroes, celebrated the end of the sporting rivalries. Both the inhabitants of Olympus and Hades enjoyed themselves together without restraint, drinking wine from the Cellars of Dionysus and dancing until dawn. There was no end to the crazy harangues. Taking advantage of the confusion, someone decided to play a prank on the gods and stole their attributes. The players of this puzzle room face an extremely difficult task. Hercules, Odysseus and Achilles cannot help you in this heroic action. You yourselves must find and return to the gods the attributes that are so important to them and necessary to wield, which provide them with divine power, and which they lost during the lavish evening. Act quickly and effectively, as the turmoil prevailing on Olympus directly affects the fate of humanity. Only one day has passed, and chaos has reigned on earth without the support of the Greek gods. Our planet has already been affected by the first cataclysms, and every day it will get worse and worse... The situation must be brought under control! It is worth the task, not only the glory of heroes awaits you! In all this confusion, there is another special and unique opportunity. Taking advantage of the prevailing mess and powerlessness of the gods, players of this puzzle room can try to steal from the Greek gods: nectar and ambrosia - a mythical drink and food, which provided the inhabitants of Olympus not only superhuman strength and unearthly power, but, above all, immortality. Thanks to them you will manage to escape from Olympus unharmed and avoid the wrath of Ares. Can you traverse the Styx, defeat Cerberus and escape the thunderous Zeus? Let the wisdom of Athena guide you! Time is running out, you need to act, don't be afraid to accomplish the impossible.
The mythical escape room adventure native to ancient Greece consists of several stages. Inside the puzzle room there are numerous surprises, hiding places and surprising solutions. The unique atmosphere of the rooms will take players back to the ancient times of the powerful gods. Of course, there will be no shortage of arcade tasks. Fear not, knowledge of mythology is not necessary to complete the task, but certainly lovers of ancient Greece will have a head start. One thing is certain, this puzzle room will revolutionize your thinking about escape room fun and will surprise you greatly.


9th August 2024, 04:37
Riddles 4 Plot 3 Decorations 3 Service 4

No taki trochę stary escape room. Nie wygląda na to, że jestem w starożytnej Grecji. Najlepsza część - to zagadki. Ich było dużo i oni są ciekawe, chociaż wielu z nich nie mają nic wspólnego z fabułą gry.

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Room Escape

Marszalkowska 140, 00-061 Warsaw

Telefon: +48 500 351 342
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