
Pirate Tavern

Organized by:   Wyjście Awaryjne

Escape room
Domaniewska str. 37A

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Time 60 min
Difficulty 3/5
Price PLN 190-320
Players 1-5


Every adventure has its beginning somewhere, while the best ones begin with a pint of cheap grog. No matter what, rich pirates you are not, although the time for luxuries will come. After all, this is the perfect opportunity!
Spending the evening in a local tavern, you received a capital offer from the local innkeeper. But what a drag it will be! The Fear of the Seas - Raven Willy is about to make mischief, along with his pack. Rumor has it (as well as Willy's own bragging!) that on his last robbery (and how!) he came across a map leading to the supposedly existing Blundr's treasure, hidden somewhere among the rocks, impossible to spot from a stork's nest. As befitting a respectable company of thugs, a severe brawl must have ensued. And where there is a brawl, there is also a place for a little swindle.
The scuffle turned into a brawl, and this soon turned into a regular battle near the berth! All the current drunkenness was interrupted, and from bets on who would nail whom with what, one's head could get sore. The innkeeper threw all the fat in front of the premises, however, leaving out a few huncwots - you.
It was then that you found out what the innkeeper really meant. The map is somewhere in the tavern's chamber. However, Willy is not one of the dumbest pirates, so be on your guard!


Age restrictions: 12+


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Wyjście Awaryjne

Domaniewska str. 37A

Telefon: +48 574 309 281
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We recommend
  • Air conditioning
  • Pet friendly
  • Parking
  • Live cam version
  • Suitable for pregnant
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  • Disinfected rooms
Games are available in:
English Polski